Sunday, May 4, 2008

Let’s cram 30, 40, or maybe 50 years of experience into your teens minds before they leave home.

You want your teen’s future to be the best it can possibly be but how do you get them to listen and learn? You want them to have all the financial and life skills you possess and more. You want them to know the mistakes that have been made and the pitfalls that await them, and you want them to know it RIGHT NOW!

Kidz 4 Money has produced a program called DPD Prevention Program (Debt, Poverty, & Dependency), which is a series of books and workshops that promises to do just that. Our innovative approach to teens has been proven time and time again. We teach teens to think through processes and not just memory.

Have you ever crammed late at night for a test? You probably passed the test, but if re-tested one month later, would you still pass? For most of us the answer is no. This is learning by memorization, where you try to remember as many facts, dates, and names to make a strong showing on a test. Well, the problem is that you are not learning the overall intent or purpose. You are only writing information onto a mental-rolodex or a memory card in your brain. You are not learning the process and you are not thinking critically.

Kidz 4 money teaches core financial and life processes (the big picture). We challenge teens to think so that no situation that occurs in their lives will prevent them from moving ahead. We want teens to think pass our changing world and not wait for further instructions.

A life of thinking is a life of success. Following systematic structures is only good for survival; however, very few will move on to wealth of any kind. Only 1% of the population is wealthy and only 15% control 80% of the nation’s finances. This is no mistake. The system is designed for mediocrity at best. Your teens need to think for themselves because the system can be cruel.

Kidz 4 Money wants your teen to ask the right questions in a world of misleading information. We want them to challenges financial falsehoods and traps, and then make the right decision for them self. We want them to understand the process and where the true benefit lies for them. Simply said, Kidz 4 Money wants your teens to think with the understanding of the big picture and how to manuever through it.

MindSet of Wealth book series creates a fail proof MindSet that will take any teen to a life of success. These books set a natural thinking pattern based on economical psychology, spiritual economics, consumerism, and grandmother’s wisdom. Learn more!

The World of Credit for Teens takes its readers on a journey into the masterminds that created this virtual money tool and its manipulating intentions. Teens will learn the workings of today’s credit inside and out. Teens will gain a newfound confidence in the credit world with the lesson and history presented in this book. Learn more!

The DPD Workshops have gained standing ovations from both teens and parents. Never has their been a more Upfront and In-Your-Face discussion on Financial Literacy, Credit, and The MindSet of Wealth. Never before has one day changed the lives of so many. Learn more!

View our product line! You will never regret it….